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Fallout Wiki


Emma is a deceased member of the Minutemen in 2287.


Her body can be found in the back of the Super Duper Mart parking garage with her holotape on her corpse. Josh plus two other unnamed minutemen and a settler are also found dead in or around the Super Duper Mart.

Emma's holotape, along with Josh's holotape, suggest the survivors of the Quincy massacre, led by Preston Garvey, holed up in the Super-Duper Mart only to be driven out by a pack of feral ghouls, leaving the three dead behind that Emma and Josh, returning from some errand, discovered. They were then killed by the ghouls themselves.

Emma, Josh, and the minuteman found dead outside the Museum of Freedom are probably the three lost people referred to when Preston Garvey tells the Sole Survivor that, "Yesterday there were eight of us, now there are only five." However, there is another dead minuteman in Concord in a backyard.

Interactions with the player character

Interactions overview

38 Paradigm of Humanity
This character has no special interactions.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Athletic outfit Emma's holotape


Emma appears only in Fallout 4.
