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This is a transcript for dialogue with Drinkin' Buddy.


1DialogueDrinkingBuddy1stDialogueGreetings, technician.DrinkingBuddy: How would you describe the testing sample provided?A
2Greetings, technician.DrinkingBuddy: Shall we commence delivery to the Hotel Rexford?A
3Player Default: Very good. I appear to be operating at an optimal level.Shall we commence delivery to the Hotel Rexford?Player Default: Yeah, sure.A1a
4Player Default: Yeah, sure.Beginning transit operations to Hotel Rexford.A1a
5Player Default: No, not yet.Very well. Standing by.B1a
6Player Default: Change of plans, I've decided to keep you myself.Understood.DrinkingBuddy: Are you ready to set parameter HOME at this time?X1a
7Player Default: What are you?I am a modified RobCo Protectron, designation Drinkin' Buddy.Y1a
8My internal microbrewers allows for the internal brewing, bottling and dispensing of beer at an accelerated rate.Y1b
9I am also programmed to tell a wide variety of jokes for the customer's amusement.DrinkingBuddy: Shall we commence delivery to the Hotel Rexford?Y1c
10Player Default: What are you?If provided with a holotape containing the recipe, I should be capable of brewing any alcoholic beverage.DrinkingBuddy: Shall we commence delivery to the Hotel Rexford?Y2a
11Player Default: What are you?The Hotel Rexford is located on State Street near the Old State House. Delivery is currently 210 years behind schedule.DrinkingBuddy: Shall we commence delivery to the Hotel Rexford?Y3a
12Player Default: What are you?Brewing subroutines have been put in standby until delivery to client.DrinkingBuddy: Shall we commence delivery to the Hotel Rexford?Y4a
13RobotProtectron: Greetings, technician.How would you describe the testing sample provided?DrinkingBuddy: Shall we commence delivery to the Hotel Rexford?A1a
14Player Default: Cold and refreshing. Do you know how long it's been since I had cold beer?Very good. I appear to be operating at an optimal level.DrinkingBuddy: Shall we commence delivery to the Hotel Rexford?A1a
15Player Default: Like pisswater, you dumb machine. Don't you have anything harder?Acknowledged. Starting internal recalibration of flavor sensors.DrinkingBuddy: Shall we commence delivery to the Hotel Rexford?B1a
16Player Default: I don't drink, so I wouldn't know.Understood. Suspending taste test till delivery to client.DrinkingBuddy: Shall we commence delivery to the Hotel Rexford?X1a
17DialogueDrinkingBuddyJokeSceneWhat do you call two crows on a branch?A2a
18Attempted Murder.A2b
19There is a band called one thousand and twenty three megabytes.A3a
20They haven't had any gigs yet.A3b
21A photon checks into a hotel and the bellhop asks if she has any luggage.A4a
22The photon replies, "No, I'm traveling light."A4b
23Two fish swim into a concrete wall.A5a
24One turns to the other and says, "Dam."A5b
25What do people from outside of Boston have in common with a bottle of beer?A6a
26They're both empty from the neck up.A6b
27A Neutron walks into a bar and asks, "How much for a drink?"A7a
28The bartender responds, "For you, no charge!"A7b
29{pause between each sentence} A blind man walks into a bar. And a table. And a chair.A8a
30The past, the present, and the future walked into a bar.A9a
31It was tense.A9b
32C, E-flat, and G walk into a bar.A10a
33The bartender says, "Sorry, but we don't serve minors in here."A10b
34So E-flat leaves, while C and G have a fifth between them.A10c
35The bartender says, "We don't serve faster than light particles in here."A11a
36A tachyon walks into the bar.A11b
37Charles Dickens walks into a bar and orders a Martini.A12a
38The bartender turns to him and asks, "Olive or twist?"A12b
39What is the best way to maintain a balanced diet?A13a
40Keep a beer in each hand.A13b
41What is the best way to start a parade in South Boston?A14a
42Roll a 40 down the street.A14b
43A Mayan asks his friend if he would like to grab a drink.A15a
44His friend says, "Well, I'm supposed to finish the calendar, but I guess if I don't it's not the end of the world."A15b
45{Emphasis on the word "IS"} Chemically speaking, alcohol IS a solution.A16a
46A communist, a spy, and a Chinese man walk into a bar.A17a
47He orders a drink.A17b
48How do you kill a circus clown?A18a
49Go for the juggler.A18b
50I've decided to sell the vacuum.A19a
51It's just collecting dust.A19b
52How about a pizza joke?A20a
53Nevermind it's just too cheesy.A20b
54A guy once told me to always leave them wanting more.A21a
55Unfortunately he was working at the rationing station.A21b
56Relationships are a lot like algebra.A22a
57You always look at your X and try to figure out Y.A22b
58Arial, Papyrus, and Comic Sans walk into a bar and the bartender says...A23a
59Oi- we don't serve your type in here!A23b
60I've heard Angus is on a whisky diet.A24a
61He's already lost three days!A24b
62I was banned from the airport last week.A25a
63Apparently security doesn't like it when you call Shotgun while boarding the plane.A25b
64If 4 out of 5 people suffer from radiation poisoning...A26a
65Does that mean the fifth guy enjoys it?A26b
66Light travels faster than sound.A27a
67Which is why dating the Irish seems like a good idea till they start talking.A27b
68I met an atheist who worked for a charity the other day.A28a
69She said it was a non-prophet organization.A28b
70There's no "I" in denial.A29a
71Now, I've always run on batteries...A30a
72But a Mr. Handy recently convinced me to try an internal fusion reactor and I can't go back.A30b
73I guess you could say he was a catalytic converter.A30c
74I went to the zoo the other day.A31a
75The only animal they had was a dog.A31b
76It was a shitzu.A31c
77Two Irishmen looking for work saw a sign for Tree Fellers.A32a
78Pat turned to Murphy and said...A32b
79If only Seamus were here, we could have gotten the job!A32c
80I see you have a dog.A33a
81You should name him "10 miles".A33b
82Then you can tell people you walk 10 miles every day.A33c
83What did the commies light their house with before they used candles?A34a
85{The start of a dirty joke, but the joke is actually that the punchline is corrupted.} A priest walks into the bar and takes a seat next to a call girl. Then he turns to her and says...A35a
86{This should sound like a system message.} Error. Data Corruption. Punchline not found.A35b
87Ha. Ha. Ha. That's a good one.A35c
88DialogueDrinkingBuddyMainDialogueCurrently on route to home location.A
89Greetings, buddy.A
90Good to see you again.A
91Hey there, pal.A
92Long time, no see.A
93{slight brewing 'fart' noise} Ffft... Excuse me, just the fermentation process.A
94{read local sports team as if it was supposed to be replaced with the consumers favorite team} How about that... local sports team... Did you see the game last week?A
95Player Default: I'll take a beer.Cold and refreshing.A1a
96Player Default: I've sold you to Rufus Rubins in Goodneighbor.Understood. Commencing Delivery to Mr. Rubins.B1a
97Player Default: I've sold you to Rufus Rubins in Goodneighbor.Okay.B2a
98Player Default: Tell me a jokeThat's all the jokes I have for now.Player Default: I'll take a beer.X1a
99Player Default: Can I still change the home parameter?Current home parameter is set to Hotel Rexford.DrinkingBuddy: Shall we commence delivery to the Hotel Rexford?Y1a
100Player Default: Can I still change the home parameter?You might want to check with the distributor. Local bars and restaurants may also have one.Player Default: I'll take a beer.Y2a
101Player Default: Can I still change the home parameter?I have heard where you might find one.Y3a
102RobotProtectron: Currently on route to home location.Here for a laugh? Or did you want a cold beverage?Player Default: I'll take a beer.A2a
103RobotProtectron: Currently on route to home location.Care to wet your whistle, or do you require a laugh?Player Default: I'll take a beer.A3a
104RobotProtectron: Currently on route to home location.Would you like a cold one, or did you want to hear a joke?Player Default: I'll take a beer.A4a
105RobotProtectron: Currently on route to home location.Would you like a beer?Player Default: I'll take a beer.A5a
106DialogueDrinkingBuddySetHomeLocationDialogueGreetings, New Owner.DrinkingBuddy: Are you ready to set parameter HOME at this time?A
107Player Default: Very good, please select the default HOME location.HOME parameter accepted. Beginning transit.A1a
108Player Default: Very good, please select the default HOME location.Error. No HOME parameter selected. Temporarily bypassing selection.Player Default: I'll take a beer.A2a
109RobotProtectron: Greetings, New Owner.{Pause before and after HOME} Are you ready to set parameter HOME at this time?Player Default: I'm ready.A1a
110Player Default: I'm ready.{Pause before and after home} Very good, please select the default HOME location.DrinkingBuddy: HOME parameter accepted. Beginning transit.A1a
111Player Default: I'm ready.Understood. Temporarily bypassing HOME parameter set up.Player Default: I'll take a beer.A2a
112Player Default: Not yet. I still need to find a safe place to keep you.Understood, returning to standby mode.Player Default: I'll take a beer.B1a
113Player Default: I've changed my mind.Understood. Reverting to previous client delivery parameters.DrinkingBuddy: Shall we commence delivery to the Hotel Rexford?X1a
114Player Default: What do you mean by home?The default location where I will begin normal operation. Home can be reassigned after normal operation has begun.DrinkingBuddy: Are you ready to set parameter HOME at this time?Y1a
115DialogueDrinkingBuddyStartupSceneBeginning startup sequence.A1a
116Unknown hardware detected.A1b
117Auxiliary BIOS detected.A1c
118Flashing operational subroutines.A1d
119Microbrewers... operational.A1e
120Internal bottling mechanism... operational.A1f
121Output dispensary... operational.A1g
122Detecting brewing subroutines... Holotape detected for Gwinnett Pale Ale.DrinkingBuddy: Start up sequence complete. Dispensing sample for approval by technician.A1h
123DrinkingBuddy: Detecting brewing subroutines... Holotape detected for Gwinnett Pale Ale.Start up sequence complete. Dispensing sample for approval by technician.DrinkingBuddy: Shall we commence delivery to the Hotel Rexford?A1a
124-Please confirm delivery with hotel staff at this time. I will remain here.A
125Hello, Cait.
126Hello, Preston.
127Hello, Curie.
128Hello, Mister Strong.
129Hello, Codsworth.
130Hello, Mister Hancock.
131Hello, MacCready.
132Hello, Piper.
133Hello, Detective.
134Hey there, Sturges.
135Good doggie.
136Hey there, buddy, you look like you could use a drink.
137{Pause before and after weather, read weather as if it is a missing computer parameter} Boy, that sure is some WEATHER we're having.
138{Pause before and after weather, read weather as if it is a missing computer parameter} How's it going, friend?
139Engaging compliment subroutine. Looking good!
140Hey there, Clair.
141Hey there, Rufus.
142Hey there, Fred.
143Hey there, Mister Marowski.
144What's the hurry?
145Have a good one.
146See you around, pal.


147DialogueGoodneighborRufusBuddyArrivalRufus: It's that brewing machine I was telling you about.Greetings new friends. I am the Drinkin' Buddy, but you can just call me Buddy.DrinkingBuddy: I am here to provide entertainment and ice cold libations.A1a
148FredAllen: Oh man, that's awesome! I'm gonna store my vodka in this thing.I am here to provide entertainment and ice cold libations.Clair: Fine, just get it set up over at the bar and out of my doorway.A1a
149Clair: Fine, just get it set up over at the bar and out of my doorway.Commencing normal operations.A1a