Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki



The Deathclaw warehouse is an old warehouse which used to be the home of the Rippers gang (as evidenced by the "Ripper!" movie posters). Ever since Deathclaws occupied the area, it became a warzone, where the deadly lizards slaughtered the unwary wanderer.

Two or three deathclaws can be found on the surface.

In the dark of the basement the wanderer will find the Mother Deathclaw.


The player can be sent to this area by Miles and/or Sammael to retrieve parts to Fix the hydroponic farms in Adytum or by Gabriel of the Gun Runners to Exterminate the deathclaws.


  • Killing all three surface deathclaws nets the player 3000 XP.
  • The player may kill the deathclaws, leave the map, rest an hour, and return to gain the 3000 xp over and over.
  • Killing the Mother Deathclaw nets the player 1500 XP.
  • While the Deathclaws have 250 HP, the Mother Deathclaw has 320.

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