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This is a transcript for dialogue with Catherine.


DLC04AboutNadine What can you tell me about your daughter? Sad 15 She's about your age, and when she left, her hair was dyed bright orange. You shouldn't have any problem recognizing her. 1
Anger 50 She told me she wanted to go find her fortune, but I thought it was too dangerous. I should've known better than to say that. 2
Sad 50 Moment I told her she couldn't go, it was just a matter of time before she ran off... 3
I talked to your daughter, but she says she can't come back yet. Anger 15 That sounds like her. Too busy having her adventures to think about family. Like mother, like daughter. 4
Got Nadine back, safe and sound. Surprise 50 Yes, thank you so much! And now that she's got this boat and carrying all this cargo... well, I can afford to actually pay you! Thank you so much! 5
DLC04AboutPointLookout Do you know anything about Point Lookout? Anger 50 Only that it's where Tobar gets those Punga Fruits he sells off. Must be making a good profit off of them, too. 6
Neutral 50 I hear rumors the place is full of swamps and killer plants, but I don't know about all that. 7
DLC04CatherineGreet1A I can't promise anything, but I'll look for her. Happy 50 Oh, bless you! Her name is Nadine, and she left a couple weeks ago. Said she wanted to see the world, silly little thing that she is. 8
Fear 25 That Tobar said he dropped her off at Point Lookout, but who knows what's happened to her since then? 9
Fear 10 I don't know if you can convince my little Nadine to come back, but just give her this note from me, would you? 10
DLC04CatherineGreet1B I'm kind of busy. Find her on your own. Sad 50 Please, I'm not asking for much. But if you're going to Point Lookout, and you find a girl named Nadine, just give her this note. 11
Fear 50 She stowed away on that boat, and I haven't heard from her ever since. I'll do anything if it'll help find her. 12
DLC04CatherineGreet1C How about I save us both the effort and say she's probably dead? Sad 50 Please, don't say that! Just, if you're going to Point Lookout, and you find a girl named Nadine, please give her this note. 13
Fear 50 She stowed away on that boat, and I haven't heard from her ever since. I'll do anything if it'll help find her. 14
DLC04CathNadineWhere Any idea where Nadine might be? Fear 50 I've never even been to Point Lookout, so I wouldn't know. She just said she was going to go find her fortune there. She could be anyplace! 15
Surprise 50 But I do remember her talking about that Punga Fruit, and how valuable it'd be to grow here. Maybe she'll be someplace it grows? 16
GREETING Fear 50 You! Are you going to Point Lookout? I need your help! 17
Fear 50 My daughter stowed away on the Duchess Gambit a few weeks ago, and I've been worried sick ever since. 18
Fear 25 I haven't heard anything from her, but if you're going there, could you look for her? Please, I'll do anything to help! 19
Fear 50 Oh, I hope you can find my Nadine. 20
Happy 50 Good to see you again. 21
Happy 50 Well, if it isn't our hero. {non-sarcastic} 22
Happy 50 Oh, you're back! 23