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This is a transcript for dialogue with Pitt slave.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Go away! They'll see us! 1


HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 Hey. {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous.} 2
HELLO Neutral 50 So... {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous.} 3
HELLO Neutral 50 We need to talk... {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous.} 4
HELLO Neutral 50 Psst. {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous.} 5
HELLO Neutral 50 <Clearing throat.> {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous.} 6
HELLO Neutral 50 I know you've been avoiding me. Just give me 20 seconds. {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous.} 7
SlaveTalk1 SlaveTalk1 Fear 50 Yeah? Keep it quick... the bosses are watching. {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous.} 8
SlaveTalk1 Fear 50 What? You trying to get us both shot? {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous.} 9
SlaveTalk1 Fear 50 What do you want? Come on, hurry up, they'll hear! {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous.} 10
SlaveTalk1 Fear 50 Not now! They'll see us! {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous.} 11
SlaveTalk1 Fear 50 Are you crazy? If they see us talking... {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous.} 12
SlaveTalk2 SlaveTalk2 Neutral 50 Look, I just want to know if you gave it any thought. You know... what we talked about yesterday. We can't wait forever. {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 13
SlaveTalk2 Neutral 50 You can't avoid me forever. And I need your decision. You in or out? {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 14
SlaveTalk2 Neutral 50 Fuck them. Those assholes will be a bad memory once we pull this off. Assuming you're in... {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 15
SlaveTalk2 Neutral 50 Just shut up and listen to me. You want to get out of this shithole or not? Look, I need your decision. You with us? {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 16
SlaveTalk2 Neutral 50 There's been talk. An uprising. Happening soon. It can work, but only if we stick together. It's all of us or none of us, man. {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 17
SlaveTalk2 Neutral 50 There's been talk. An uprising. Happening soon. It can work, but only if we stick together. It's all of us or none of us, girl. {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 18
SlaveTalk2 Neutral 50 Revolt is in the air, my friend. It's going to happen with or without you. But I'd like it to happen WITH you. What do you say? {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 19
SlaveTalk3 SlaveTalk3No Fear 50 Okay, I'll do it. But I'm not killing anybody. You understand me? Enough blood's been spilled in this place already. {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 20
SlaveTalk3No Neutral 50 I... <sigh> All right, I'm in. Whatever you need, whenever you need... I'll be ready. {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 21
SlaveTalk3No Neutral 50 Fine, fine. I'm with you. What's the worst that could happen? I get myself killed? That's really not much of a deterrent at this point, is it... {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 22
SlaveTalk3No Anger 50 Oh, I'm in. Just promise me one thing -- when this shit goes down, you put a weapon in my hand and give me my due. {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 23
SlaveTalk3No Fear 50 No. No! I'm sorry, I... I can't. It's just too risky. We fuck up, and we're Trog food. You want to be lunch for your own brother? Cause I sure don't. {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 24
SlaveTalk3No Fear 50 You're fucking crazy, you know that? There's no way I'm getting involved in any half-assed escape plan. {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 25
SlaveTalk3No Neutral 50 Well. I thought about it and... no. I'm sorry. Better to live a slave than die a free man. It's just not worth it. {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 26
SlaveTalk3No Anger 50 Not going to happen. You're in over your head. I want no part of whatever craziness you guys are cookin' up. Okay? {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 27
SlaveTalk4NoResponse SlaveTalk4NoResponse Disgust 50 Man, what is wrong with you? There's a window opening, and we've got to jump through while we still can. I'm disappointed... {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 28
SlaveTalk4NoResponse Disgust 50 Fine. But this IS happening, and when it does, you'd better stay the fuck out of my way, or I may just forget which side you're on. {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 29
SlaveTalk4NoResponse Disgust 50 Okay, sure. Pussy out if you want. But when it's all over, when me and the others are on the outside... just remember you had your chance. {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 30
SlaveTalk4NoResponse Disgust 50 What? Man, come on! This is our chance! This is YOUR chance! But you want to stay in the fucking Pitt? What... what happened to you? {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 31
SlaveTalk4YesResponse SlaveTalk4YesResponse Happy 50 Fuckin' A! I knew you had it in you! Okay, well, just do... what you normally do. You'll know when it's time. {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 32
SlaveTalk4YesResponse Neutral 50 You're making the right decision here, man. Okay, just stay ready. I'm not sure exactly when. Today, tomorrow, next week, I dunno. But soon. {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 33
SlaveTalk4YesResponse Happy 50 Ha! All right! I knew you'd come around! I'll let the others know, and someone will give you the details. We'll hit 'em fast and hard. {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 34
SlaveTalk4YesResponse Neutral 50 Perfect. Just hang tight a little while longer, while everything comes together. We'll probably have a meeting soon. I'll let you know. {Spoken in a whisper. This is a slave conspiring to escape, so he/she is trying to be inconspicuous. } 35


Attack Attack Neutral 50 This ends now! 36
Attack Neutral 50 Keep fighting! 37
Attack Neutral 50 Brothers! Fight! 38
Attack Neutral 50 This is over! 39
Attack Neutral 50 We've had enough! 40
Attack Neutral 50 No more! 41
Attack Neutral 50 Don't be afraid! Fight! 42
Attack Neutral 50 Fight back! 43
Attack Neutral 50 Don't let them keep us down! 44
Death Death Fear 50 Nooo! My brothers! {A death cry.} 45
Death Fear 50 Fight on... {A death cry.} 46
Death Fear 50 Go on... without me... {A death cry.} 47
Death Fear 50 Never... forget... {A death cry.} 48
Flee Flee Fear 50 No! Please! 49
Flee Fear 50 I give up! 50
Flee Fear 50 Run! We can't win! 51
Flee Fear 50 Live to fight again! 52
Hit Hit Neutral 50 No more! Please! 53
Hit Neutral 50 You think that will stop me? 54
Hit Neutral 50 Pain won't stop us! 55


NormalToCombat StartCombat Anger 50 That's enough! {Starting combat.} 56
StartCombat Anger 50 Fight with me! {Starting combat.} 57