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Fallout Wiki

You've read every Covert Operations Manual ever written, twice.

Covert Operative is an Agility-based perk in Fallout 76.


Increases damage of ranged sneak attacks.


Rank Description Form ID
1 Your ranged sneak attacks do 2.15x normal damage. 0025A7F7
2 Your ranged sneak attacks do 2.3x normal damage. 002EBD23
3 Your ranged sneak attacks do 2.5x normal damage. 002EBD24


  • Covert Operative also affects the sneak attack multiplier of unarmed weapons, despite the description. Using Covert Operative 3 and Ninja 3 will yield a x3.4 sneak attack multiplier on unarmed weapons.[patched]
  • The order in which Covert Operative is equipped relative to Mister Sandman affects the sneak attack multiplier.
    • If Mister Sandman 2 is equipped below Covert Operative 3, the sneak multiplier will be x3.5.
    • If Mister Sandman 2 is equipped above Covert Operative 3, the sneak multiplier will be x3.75.