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Fallout Wiki

Claire Redelle was an actress before the Great War.


Claire Redelle was an actress who starred in the widely successful The Tomb of Amun-Ra motion picture. She was subsequently signed on by producer Aaron Babowski, instead of long time radio voice actress Shannon Rivers for the role of the Mistress of Mystery in the television version of The Silver Shroud. Babowski believed this would guarantee a hit: As Redelle loved the role, the costume, the script, and could guarantee a success for the series, the red-headed actress had to be retained before the competition, such as Wisemans, could sign her on.[1]

This prompted a dispute between him and the lead writer for Silver Shroud, Tina Hopkins, as Hopkins disliked Redelle due to the color of her hair and a shrill, waifish voice unfit for a character who's supposed to be a confident match for her male counterpart.[2][3][4]

Peter Shiner supported a middle-ground approach, retaining Redelle, but having her wear a veil and be dubbed over by Shannon Rivers, the actress who voiced the Mistress in the radio series.[5] Ultimately, Hopkins would lose. She left the company after an insulting message from Babowski, ensuring that Redelle would remain as the Mistress of Mystery.[6][7]


Claire Redelle is mentioned in Fallout 4 and Fallout 76.

