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Dialogue for character in Bunker Gamma.


// Mini-map Information

B03_MiniMap_01 = {
Briefing Room - Speak to the General to receive your mission briefings.

B03_MiniMap_02 = {
Equipment Store - Talk to the Quartermaster to trade for equipment and supplies.

B03_MiniMap_03 = {
Recruits Pool - Speak to the Recruits Master to add or remove members from your squad.

B03_MiniMap_04 = {
Infirmary - You can trade with the Medical Officer for healing items.

B03_MiniMap_05 = {
Vehicle Depot - Visit the depot to access vehicles that you have salvaged from the wastes.

B03_MiniMap_06 = {
Exit - Move your entire squad here to exit the bunker and continue your campaign.

// Speech File for Bunker 03
//Version 1.6
// The format for the speech file is explained in the README.txt file in the
// speech file directory.





// Name: Paladin Arugula
// Role: Quarter-Master of the Warriors.
// Background: Arugula is a young man with a weasel-like face and darting eyes.
// After the player has gone to Bunker 04, Arugula will no longer be around.
// He will have been removed by Paladin Hassan.
// Location: Equipment Room
// Appears: End 07
// Removed: End 12

// Situation A00: Arugula will introduce himself when he speaks with the
// player for the first time. Speaking to him will initiate the equipment
// screen for the Quarter-Master.
B03_Arugula_A00_W = {

Welcome soldier, I am Arugula. Say it with me…Arugula. Good.

I'm the Quarter-Master in charge of this bunker. You know how the drill works by now so stop wasting my time. You need gear? Then cut the chatter and tell me what you need..\n\n


// Situation A01: If the player has already met Arugula, he will use a
// very short line to initiate the Quarter-Master equipment selection screen.
B03_Arugula_A01 = { What the hell do you want? }

// Situation B: Gordie has some random lines of his own.
B03_Arugula_B00 = { Who sorted this ammo. Damn!! }
B03_Arugula_B01 = { Look at the fucking rust on this gun! }
B03_Arugula_B02 = { Crap! This revolver is bullshit! }
B03_Arugula_B03 = { Who keeps messing with MY blasted mines!?! }
B03_Arugula_B04 = { Quarter Masters don't get any respect! }
B03_Arugula_B05 = { These figures are going to get me sent to the box! }




// Name: Murdock.
// Role: Mechanic.
// Background: Murdock is one of the five mechanics working in the bunkers.
// Murdock is a grease-monkey with baseball cap and a crazy attitude.
// Location: Vehicle Depot
// Appears: End 07
// Removed: N/A

// Situation A00: Murdock has his initial greeting. After this, he will
// switch to one of the random lines in Situation B.
B03_Murdock_A00 = { Yeah? Name's Murdock. Whaddaya want? }

// Situation B: Murdock's random greetings after the initial greeting. These
// lines are selected at random everytime the player needs to talk to the
// mechanic.
B03_Murdock_B00 = { I hope this is important! }
B03_Murdock_B01 = { Hurry up. These vehicles ain't going fix themselves. }
B03_Murdock_B02 = { I'm listening. }
B03_Murdock_B03 = { I ain't got all day! }
B03_Murdock_B04 = { Say it already! }
B03_Murdock_B05 = { You again? }

// Situation C: Murdock's random lines. He is mostly concerned with his work.
B03_Murdock_C00 = { Why am I so angry? }
B03_Murdock_C01 = { I need to get in touch with my emotions.. }
B03_Murdock_C02 = { 10…9…8…7…6.... }
B03_Murdock_C03 = { Deep Breaths. Don't go ballistic. }
B03_Murdock_C04 = { I'm not happy with who I am. }
B03_Murdock_C05 = { That should fix the problem. }




// Name: Scribe Celsius
// Role: Medical Officer in the Brotherhood.
// Background: Celsius is simply the medic inside the bunker. The player can
// visit him whenever healing is needed. He will be busy tending to the wounds
// of the injured soldiers.
// Celsius is dressed in robes, he is considered one of the Elders. He is a
// master surgeon and a scholar. Celsius has a deep voice and a confident air
// about him. He never betrays any hint that he is uncertain of his skills.
// I would picture him as having white, graying hair. He might even look a
// little like the Diablo II Necromancer.
// Location: Infirmary
// Appears: End 07
// Removed: N/A

// Situation A00: Celsius' introduction. Celsius will introduce himself the
// first time the player talks to him. He will explain that they can return
// anytime for healing. After talking, the player has a chance to either
// barter for medicine, or exit the conversation. Either way may allow Celsius
// to heal the player's party completely.
// This is used only if Celsius has not previously spoken to the player. Ed, please make
// sure that the "first time" is the absolute first time and not the first time since the
// last bunker02
B03_Celsius_A00_W = {
Greetings, Warrior. I am Celsius, Healer and Scribe.\n\n

You may return to the bunker for healing anytime you wish. I will heal you as
long as I have the resources to do so. From time to time, I may also have
field kits available that your squad medics may use.

// Situation A01: If the player has spoken to Celsius before

B03_Celsius_A01_W = {

Well met, Brother. Good to see you again.

Let me reintroduce myself. I am Celsius and I'll be your stalker.

Hah ha…sorry. I've been saving that one since the last bunker. (sigh).

What ails you today?


// Situation A02: Celsius' repeats. On subsequent revisits, Celsius will
// come straight to the point.
B03_Celsius_A02 = { Let me examine your wounds. }

// Situation B: Celsius' random lines. These assume he has one or two patients
// in the infirmary.
B03_Celsius_B00 = { Stitches won't close this wound, I'm afraid. }
B03_Celsius_B01 = { This will hurt more than anything you've ever experienced. }
B03_Celsius_B02 = { Well I guess next time you'll use a condom, right? }
B03_Celsius_B03 = { Son, you're not going to make it. }
B03_Celsius_B04 = { How long have you been addicted to afterburner?. }
B03_Celsius_B05 = { Stop picking your scabs. }



Bartholomew Kerr[]


// Name: Nicholas Kerr.
// Role: Merchant.
// Background: Nicholas Kerr is a thin, rugged, man in his thirties. Time
// spent in the wastelands has aged him to look ten years older. He wears
// loose fitting bandages as part of his attire, giving him the appearance of
// a leper. Kerr often travels between the Brotherhood bunkers in various
// regions of the wasteland. He is trusted by the Brotherhood and he hold some
// allegiance to them. He has a knack for acquiring difficult to obtain items.
// Kerr will no longer be in the bunker once the player has moved on to
// Bunker 04.
// Location: Equipment Room
// Appears: End 09
// Removed: End 15

// Situation A00: Nicholas Kerr will introduce himself if the players speak
// with him to the first time. Speaking with him will initiate the barter
// screen after the dialogue.
// After Kerr's introduction, he will shift to one of the situations in B
// for additional information. If none of the situations in B are available,
// he will switch to Situation A02.
B03_Kerr_A00_W = {

Hello my child. I am Kerr, a humble merchant who travels the wastelands in search of objects and oddities that the Brotherhood could use.\n\n

Come and have a look at my wares. Who knows? Maybe I'll have something you might find useful.

// Situation A01: If the player has met Kerr in the earlier bunker, then he
// will say something different the first time he speaks with them here.
// After Kerr's introduction, he will shift to one of the situations in B
// for additional information. If none of the situations in B are available,
// he will switch to Situation A02.
B03_Kerr_A01_W = {
Ah, we meet again, my child. It is good see another familiar face in this time of troubles.\n\n

Are you looking for any hard to find trinkets or devices? My inventory might surprise you.\n\n

// Situation A02: If the player has already met Kerr, he will use a
// very short line to initiate barter screen.
B03_Kerr_A02 = { Ah, a returning customer warms my old heart. }

// Situation C: Kerr has some random lines of his own.
B03_Kerr_C00 = { No returns…ever. }
B03_Kerr_C01 = { I think you take me for a fool. }
B03_Kerr_C02 = { Oh! You must think I give my wares away for free. }
B03_Kerr_C03 = { Found this on a dead Super Mutant. }
B03_Kerr_C04 = { You have a deal. }
B03_Kerr_C05 = { Trade is slow right now. }


Hazmat Hazzard[]


// Name: Hazmat.
// Role: Ghoul from Gravestone.
// Background: Hazzard is one of the ghoul acolytes from Gravestone. She
// managed to survive the attack in mission 11 and she is here to give some
// books to the Brotherhood scribes.
// Hazzard only turns up after mission 11 is completed with DefCon being
// happy. If DefCon was unhappy, Hazzard will not be here. Once she has
// appeared, she will disappear after the player leaves the bunker.
// Location: Main Corridor
// Appears: End 11
// Removed: End 12

// Situation A00: Hazmat stands around inside the bunker.
B03_Hazmat_A00_W = {

Blessed Savior of Plutonius's irradiated flock! My name is Hazmat and I bring you the decaying salutation of our Bishop, Defcon the Second, son of T-Minus.

I journeyed here to deliver the nuclear scripture defining the magical properties of the Holy Warhead.

Only by understanding the earthly workings of our God can you properly detonate the spiritual energy contained within.


// Situation A01: If the player continues to talk to Hazzard, she will explain
// how the ghouls of Gravestone are doing.
// Deleted. DL

// Situation A02: If the player continues to talk to Hazzard, she will excuse
// herself with this good-bye line.
// Please use the floating text in Situation B. DL

// Situation B: As Hazmat stands around, she has several random remarks.
B03_Hazmat_B00 = { I must depart soon. }
B03_Hazmat_B01 = { Life is like a box of neutrons.}
B03_Hazmat_B02 = { Praise be Plutonius! }
B03_Hazmat_B03 = { I feel the nuclear force in you. }
B03_Hazmat_B04 = { I must face Gravestone and "Duck and Cover".}
B03_Hazmat_B05 = { You have a big pair of protons to say that to me!}




// Name: Tiduk
// Role: Tribal member of the Brotherhood.
// Background: Tiduk is one of the tribals of Brahmin Woods. He is nineteen
// years of age. He has recently joined the Brotherhood and has become an
// Initiate.
// He can be found inside the bunker itself and will disappear after he or
// Shauri has spoken to the player. Both he and Shauri will leave for their
// mission after the player leaves the bunker.
// Location: Main Corridor
// Appears: Start 06
// Removed: Special

// Situation A00: Tiduk stands around, waiting. This is what he says if the
// player speaks to him for the first time. That is, they did not meet him in
// Bunker 01.
// Tiduk is very zealous in his duty. His enthusiasm should be reflected in
// the tone of his voice.
B03_Tiduk_A00_W = {
Well met, hero.\n\n

My name is Initiate Tiduk of Brahmin Wood. I understand if you do not remember me for I was one of many tribals.

Your heroic actions that saved my village have inspired me and my sister, Shauri. I hope the Brahmin God Of Battle will allow us to fight side by side one day


// Situation A01: Tiduk stands around, waiting. This is what he says if the
// player speaks to him and they have met earlier in Bunker 01.
B03_Tiduk_A01_W = {
Well met Warrior. Well met.

I am pleased to tell you that I have just achieved the Initiate rank!

I pray that the Brahmin God of Epic Battle will allow us to fight together! It would shake the wasteland forever!

Unfortunately, my sister Shauri also is here and she is now in charge of the new initiates.

// Situation A02: If the player talks to Tiduk some more, he will chat for
// a little while longer.
B03_Tiduk_A02_W = {
I have to admit that I do not like taking orders from one better suited to raise children. Your Brotherhood ways are strange… very strange to Tiduk

// Situation A03: If the player talks to Tiduk the third time, he will use his
// good-bye line.
B03_Tiduk_A03 = { May we meet in battle. }

// Situation B: As Tiduk stands around, he has some random remarks. Shauri has
// replies to all of his random remarks.
B03_Tiduk_B00 = { Alright, Shauri. Maybe you're right. }
B03_Tiduk_B01 = { I still can't believe you made it through the tests. }
B03_Tiduk_B02 = { Hmm ... where did I pack my socks? }
B03_Tiduk_B03 = { But… I'm your brother. }
B03_Tiduk_B04 = { Yes, Captain...(mumbles) bitch. }
B03_Tiduk_B05 = { Shauri, you were right. OK? }




// Name: Shauri
// Role: Sister of Tiduk.
// Background: Shauri is Tiduk's sister. She is a year younger than Tiduk,
// being eighteen years old. She is a dark haired girl of breathtaking beauty.
// She has dark, thoughtful eyes and a slender form that can be seen through
// her armor. Her hair has been cut short or rolled into a bun.
// She can be found inside the bunker itself and will disappear after she or
// Tiduk has spoken to the player. Both she and Tiduk will leave for their
// mission after the player leaves the bunker.
// Location: Main Corridor
// Appears: Start 06
// Removed: Special

// Situation A00: Shauri stands around, waiting. This is what she says if the
// player speaks to her for the first time. That is, they did not meet her in
// Bunker 01.
// Shauri is still rather naive. She doesn't use military speak, preferring
// to speak as if everyone is her best friend.
B03_Shauri_A00_W = {
My greetings Hero of Brahmin Wood! I am Shauri, Captain of the new Initiate class. Thank you for saving my home!

My dream is to make you proud of the people that you've done so much for. I will try to follow your footsteps.

// Situation A01: Shauri stands around, waiting. This is what she says if the
// player speaks to her and they have met earlier in Bunker 01.
B03_Shauri_A01_W = {
My greetings Hero! Guess what? I made it past Initiate training! Not many of our tribe did and I was at the top of the class.\n\n

It is memories of you and your squad that gave me the strength to meet each challenge. Now they made me Captain of the new Initiate class! I'm even in charge of Tiduk!

I must prepare for my groups first mission. Farewell, Brother.

// Situation A03: If the player talks to Shauri the third time, she will use
// her good-bye line.
B03_Shauri_A03 = { Take care, Hero. }

// Situation B: As Tidul stands around, he has some random remarks. Shauri has
// replies to all of his random remarks.
// Shauri's response to: B03_Tiduk_B00 = { Alright, Shauri. Maybe you're
// right. }
B03_Shauri_B00 = { What did I tell you about keeping your armor clean? }

// Shauri's response to: B03_Tiduk_B01 = { I still can't believe you made it
// past the Initiate tests. }
B03_Shauri_B01 = { Yes, yes. Call me Captain from now on, Brother. }

// Shauri's response to: B03_Tiduk_B02 = { Hmm .. where did I pack my socks? }
B03_Shauri_B02 = { Find it or you'll spend some time in the box. }

// Shauri's response to: B03_Tiduk_B03 = { But… I'm your brother. }
B03_Shauri_B03 = { Make it two days in the box. }

// Shauri's response to: B03_Tiduk_B04 = { Yes, Captain...(mumbles) bitch. }
B03_Shauri_B04 = { (stares hard at Tiduk) }

// Shauri's response to: B03_Tiduk_B05 = { Shauri, you were right. OK?}
B03_Shauri_B05 = { I know brother. I know. }


Brotherhood guards[]


// Brotherhood Guards:
// There are two of them standing outside the bunker.
// Location: Bunker Entrance
// Appears: End 07
// Removed: N/A

// Situation A: This is what the guards may say if addressed by the player.
B03_Guard01_A00 = { As long as I get to kill somebody, I'm happy. }
B03_Guard01_A01 = { I think we need to hunt down all the Super Mutants. }
B03_Guard01_A02 = { If it bleeds, you can kill it }
B03_Guard01_A03 = { Those damned mutants ambushed another caravan. }
B03_Guard01_A04 = { Murdock the mechanic is the biggest asshole. }
B03_Guard01_A05 = { Bet you've seen a lot of action. }

B03_Guard02_A00 = { See the new class of initiates? }
B03_Guard02_A01 = { I have the worst urge for sloppy ghoul action. }
B03_Guard02_A02 = { Well met, Brother. }
B03_Guard02_A03 = { This world is going nuts. What's next? }
B03_Guard02_A04 = { We must be vigilant. }
B03_Guard02_A05 = { Our Inquisitors scare me. I'm not kidding.}

// Situation B: This is what the guards may say on their own if nothing special
// is going on.
B03_Guard01_B00 = { A ghoul and a vault dweller walk into a bar… }
B03_Guard01_B01 = { *scratch* }
B03_Guard01_B02 = { I think time has stopped. }
B03_Guard01_B03 = { Hmm. }
B03_Guard01_B04 = { Are your barracks overridden with lice too? }
B03_Guard01_B05 = { Why do you keep scratching yourself like that? }

B03_Guard02_B00 = { So…stand watch here often? }
B03_Guard02_B01 = { I was ready to beat Murdock to death yesterday. }
B03_Guard02_B02 = { Rather quiet. }
B03_Guard02_B03 = { *yawn* }
B03_Guard02_B04 = { I got a big sore on my tongue. }
B03_Guard02_B05 = { Did you hear something? }

// Situation C: This is what the guards may say on their own when Biohazzard
// is around.
// There's a lot going on already and these responses would just be mimicking the other
// ghoul reactions. DL

// Situation D: This is what the guards may say if addressed by the player
// after the player has been to Bunker 04.
B03_Guard01_D00 = { Junction City's a real dump from what I hear. }
B03_Guard01_D01 = { Any news on General Banarky? }
B03_Guard01_D02 = { I'd like to visit Cold Water one of these days. }
B03_Guard01_D03 = { I still can't believe that news about Gammorin. }
B03_Guard01_D04 = { Do I know you…just kidding! }
B03_Guard01_D05 = { What' the latest on the war effort? }

B03_Guard02_D00 = { You're back. }
B03_Guard02_D01 = { Hey, are you staying here long? }
B03_Guard02_D02 = { I hear Dekker's a real hard-ass. }
B03_Guard02_D03 = { Good to see you again, Warrior. }
B03_Guard02_D04 = { We must be vigilant. }
B03_Guard02_D05 = { Look-ee here! It's our super hero! Haw haw! }

// Situation E: This is what the guards may say on their own if nothing special
// is going on if the player has been to Bunker 04.
B03_Guard01_E00 = { No! This rash was REALLY RED! }
B03_Guard01_E01 = { Psst. I know where you can get some afterburner. }
B03_Guard01_E02 = { That guy gets all the credit. }
B03_Guard01_E03 = { You ever hear of a place called Avellone? }
B03_Guard01_E04 = { My relief is late again!}
B03_Guard01_E05 = { I can use a nice, cold, refreshing Nuka-Cola. }

B03_Guard02_E00 = { *sigh* }
B03_Guard02_E01 = { How many bunkers do we have now? }
B03_Guard02_E02 = { Attention! Paladin on deck. }
B03_Guard02_E03 = { Have we defeated all the mutants? }
B03_Guard02_E04 = { What? I'm sorry. I wasn't listening to you. }
B03_Guard02_E05 = { Hmmm. Oh, never mind. }


Brotherhood soldiers[]


// Brotherhood Soldiers:
// These soldiers are the guys that wander around the base, sleeping and
// eating.
// They are mostly asleep because if they're in base, they're not on duty. We
// have six varieties of warriors, some male, some female. The text is not
// gender specific.
// Location: Barracks and Other
// Appears: End 07
// Removed: N/A

// Situation A: These are the sounds made by the warriors when they are asleep.
B03_Brother01_A00 = { Zzzz.. }
B03_Brother01_A01 = { zzz…Nooo!…zzZ. }
B03_Brother01_A02 = { Zz.. zzz... }

B03_Brother02_A00 = { *Burp* }
B03_Brother02_A01 = { Zz.. zzz... }
B03_Brother02_A02 = { Why is my rack warm? }

B03_Brother03_A00 = { Zzzz.. }
B03_Brother03_A01 = { *Fart* }
B03_Brother03_A02 = { Zzz.. *sniff* Zzz.. }

B03_Brother04_A00 = { *sniff* }
B03_Brother04_A01 = { Zzzt.. *belch* }
B03_Brother04_A02 = { Zz.. run it's a rabid squirrel…zzz }

B03_Brother05_A00 = { Zzzz.. }
B03_Brother05_A01 = { *scratch* }
B03_Brother05_A02 = { Zzz.. zzt.. }

B03_Brother06_A00 = { What the fuck stinks? }
B03_Brother06_A01 = { *mumble* }
B03_Brother06_A02 = { Zz.. zzz... }

// Situation B: These are what the injured warriors will say while they're in
// the infirmary.
B03_Brother01_B00 = { Body weak…will strong. }
B03_Brother01_B01 = { I'll never walk again! }
B03_Brother01_B02 = { (sobbing) }

B03_Brother02_B00 = { Ooh. }
B03_Brother02_B01 = { Never seen anything like it before. }
B03_Brother02_B02 = { *fart*}

B03_Brother03_B00 = { Yuck! That's a rectal thermometer you dick! (spits)}
B03_Brother03_B01 = { Get me a bucket…quickly!}
B03_Brother03_B02 = { Stop…spinning! }

B03_Brother04_B00 = { What will my mate think? }
B03_Brother04_B01 = { I'm a quadriplegic now. }
B03_Brother04_B02 = { My arms…gone. }

B03_Brother05_B00 = { Those mutants.. }
B03_Brother05_B01 = { Urgh. }
B03_Brother05_B02 = { My leg.. }

B03_Brother06_B00 = { Doc!!!! }
B03_Brother06_B01 = { It burns! }
B03_Brother06_B02 = { IT BURNS!. }

// Situation C: These are the random lines spoken by the warriors when they
// are awake. If the player tries to talk to them, they'll say the same things.
B03_Brother01_C00 = { What itches so bad? }
B03_Brother01_C01 = { Where did I get this rash from? }
B03_Brother01_C02 = { Damn! I have to go see the doc. }

B03_Brother02_C00 = { Mutants have starting attacking our patrols. }
B03_Brother02_C01 = { Those mutants are really tough! }
B03_Brother02_C02 = { I going to need a bigger gun. }

B03_Brother03_C00 = { Did you see that size of those freaks? }
B03_Brother03_C01 = { His gun was THIS big! }
B03_Brother03_C02 = { We're lucky to be alive. }

B03_Brother04_C00 = { Think how big their shit is! }
B03_Brother04_C01 = { I wonder what its like to sleep with one. }
B03_Brother04_C02 = { Their boogers must be enormous! }

B03_Brother05_C00 = { Didn't I just get off watch? }
B03_Brother05_C01 = { I just want to sleep. }
B03_Brother05_C02 = { Just give me five more minutes.. }

B03_Brother06_C00 = { Just one of those things took out a whole squad. }
B03_Brother06_C01 = { *(whine)* }
B03_Brother06_C02 = { I…don't know if I can face them again. }

// Situation D: These are the random lines spoken by the warriors when they
// are awake after the player has moved on to Bunker 04. If the player tries
// to talk to them, they'll say the same things.
B03_Brother01_D00 = { I'm glad we're finally finished with the mutants. }
B03_Brother01_D01 = { I wish we had more time to recover. }
B03_Brother01_D02 = { They were worthy opponents. }

B03_Brother02_D00 = { How are things at the new bunker? }
B03_Brother02_D01 = { It definitely got quiet here lately. }
B03_Brother02_D02 = { Latham… I still can't believe it. }

B03_Brother03_D00 = { Gammorin really beat a SM in hand to hand? }
B03_Brother03_D01 = { How did you stop him?. }
B03_Brother03_D02 = { You killed our strongest! }

B03_Brother04_D00 = { I think I learned something today. }
B03_Brother04_D01 = { It's not about mutants, or ghouls or deathclaws. }
B03_Brother04_D02 = { It's about presents. Yeah, presents.}

B03_Brother05_D00 = { How goes the battle with the robots? }
B03_Brother05_D01 = { Man do I ache! }
B03_Brother05_D02 = { Too much killing... too much. }

B03_Brother06_D00 = { I got a mutant ear necklace now! }
B03_Brother06_D01 = { (sneers) }
B03_Brother06_D02 = { They're bad, we're badder! }


Hillary Eastwood[]


// Name: Hillary Eastwood.
// From: Mission 06
// Role: mayor of Quincy.
// Background: Hillary Eastwood is an old woman in her sixties. She has
// a strong personality and is quite cultured. She knows how to behave in high
// society and is generally accustomed to giving orders.
// Location: Briefing Room
// Appears: End 09
// Removed: End 11

// Situation A00:
M06_Hillary_A00 = { My daughter is doing fine, thank you. }
M06_Hillary_A00 = { Ghouls have been acting a little uppity since then. }
M06_Hillary_A00 = { My town is still recovering. }
M06_Hillary_A00 = { Are you single? }


Elliot Nesting[]


// Name: Elliot Nesting.
// From: Mission 06
// Role: Leader of the Ghouls.
// Background: Elliot Nesting is the self-appointed leader of the ghouls. He is
// a soft-spoken, wise, ghoul whose guidance has allowed the ghouls to exist in
// relative peace in Quincy. Elliot is a pacifist, but he knows enough about
// politics to know when words will fail and that it is time to let their guns
// do the talking.
// Location: Briefing Room
// Appears: End 10
// Removed: End 12

// Situation A00: Random floating text.
M06_Elliot_A00 = { I had to see this for myself. }
M06_Elliot_A01 = { This is a glorious time for ghouls. }
M06_Elliot_A02 = { (singing) We are the ghouls. We are the misshapen... }
M06_Elliot_A03 = { I asked someone to pull my finger and it fell off.. }
M06_Elliot_A04 = { Yes, I am still leader of the Quincy ghouls.}




// Name: Mother.
// From: Mission 07
// Role: Matriarch of the intelligent Deathclaws
// Background: Her real name is difficult to pronounce, so we'll call her
// Mother instead. Mother looks like an extra large Deathclaw. She is much
// stronger, tougher, and deadlier than the average adult Deathclaw. She has
// a deep, booming voice.
// Location: Recruits
// Appears: End 09
// Removed: End 12

// Situation A00: Initial meeting with Mother. If any of the squad members
// get close enough to the cage, she will initiate a conversation. She will
// explain her situation and ask to be freed.
M07_Mother_A00_W = {

(nods to you) Your eldersss are wissse, warrior. They acsssept my brood as recruitsss.

My children wishhh to ssshow their thankssss. It isss ssstrange time no? My young fighting with you and the ressst of the sssoft hairless onessss.

Treat them well and don't feed them flesssh after midnight.


// Situation A00: Initial meeting with Mother. If any of the squad members
// get close enough to the cage, she will initiate a conversation. She will
// explain her situation and ask to be freed.
M07_Mother_A01 = { I have to hurry. I will be in heat sssoon. }
M07_Mother_A02 = { Ssso… come here often? }
M07_Mother_A03 = { Hmm. Are you white meat or dark meat? }
M07_Mother_A04 = { I hope my pupsss fit in. }



Paladin Lancelot[]


// Name: Paladin Lancelot.
// From: Mission 22
// Role: Leader of the ill-fated Grail Squad.
// Background: Lancelot does not have much of a role. He and his squad are
// here to demonstrate that the situation is dangerous. They will mount an
// assault on the front entrance and be totally annihilated.
// Location: Barracks
// Appears: End 11
// Removed: End 15

// Situation A00:
M22_Lancelot_A00 = { Paladin Lancelot from Grail Squad. The pleasure is mine. }
M22_Lancelot_A01 = { Glad to have you aboard. }
M22_Lancelot_A02 = { I have heard only good about your performance. }
M22_Lancelot_A03 = { We should go to the target range together someday. }
M22_Lancelot_A04 = { You must meet my wife and children. }

General Dekker[]


// Name: General Dekker.
// Role: General of the Brotherhood, replacement Commander to the player.
// Background: General Dekker is brought in as a replacement Commander when
// General Barnaky is forced to engage in combat directly with the enemy.
// Location: Briefing Room
// Appears: 09
// Removed: N/A

// Situation A00: Floating text
B03_Dekker_A00 = { We have learned our lessons the hard way. }
B03_Dekker_A01 = { The burden of responsibility is now mine. }
B03_Dekker_A02 = { That armor could use a little polish. }
B03_Dekker_A03 = { We must be victorious. }
B03_Dekker_A04 = { This new development disturbs me. }
B03_Dekker_A05 = { We are this land's only hope.}

// Situation Z00: Time to Move to the Next Bunker
B03_Dekker_Z00_W = {
We have won the day in this region.\n\n

We shall move our operations to the new outpost to the West. Take your squad and
report there ASAP.




// Name: Recruits Master
// Role: Recruits Master of the Initiates.

// Situation A00: Recruits Master will speak, then open the Recruits window.
B03_Recruits_A00_W = {
Welcome, Warrior. I am the Personnel Yeoman for the Brotherhood. If you want to put together a squad, you talk to me. So, what can I do for you?

// Situation B00: Recruits Master will speak, then open the Recruits window.
B03_Recruits_B00 = {
Hey, it's two for one day! Hah hah!
