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We wish to escape the barbarity of the wasteland, especially the violence and bigotry of its human inhabitants. The creator has promised to my flock a new land: a place of safety and healing... a paradise in the Far Beyond.Jason Bright

The Bright Brotherhood is a religious faction in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281.


A strange cult of Ghouls, and a single human fully believing himself to be a Ghoul, are led by a charismatic and prophetic glowing one named Jason Bright. Thanks to an extremely rare mutation, Bright never turned Feral, and has instead built up a small following of like-minded Ghouls, clad in the vestments of a tribe in the final stages of preparation to leave for a “new world”; a promised land foretold by Bright, that is the ghoul’s ultimate goal. Jason Bright wasn’t his birth name, it is the name that his flock started calling him when he began his cult. Shunned by frightened outsiders, and murdered by Nightkin convinced the Brotherhood are sitting on a mythical shipment of Stealth Boys. The Brotherhood have long come to realize that they are not bound to, or long for this earth.[1]


The Bright Brotherhood believes in that ghouls do not truly belong to the wasteland due to the fact that they are shunned by the majority of humans and hunted by other mutants (Nightkins, in their experiences). They also believe that a new world, promised by the Creator (and told through the prophet Jason Bright), is the place that is truly for ghouls of their kind to be in. Not wishing to endure the bigotry and hatred that everyone else in the wasteland had for the ghouls, the Brotherhood wishes to embark on a pilgrimage, termed the "Great Journey," to reach their promised land.


Jason Bright is the leader of a group of ghouls which follow him. Chris Haversam, a human convinced he's a ghoul, is in charge of maintaining most of the brotherhood's technology and the rockets for the "Great Journey."

Relations with the outside

They keep mainly to themselves and their only outside contact was recruiting the Courier to find supplies. However, according to the endgame cut-scene narration (under the right circumstances), some of them are said to have returned from their Great Journey and help the town of Novac after the Second Battle of Hoover Dam in the rebuilding of the town's defenses.

Bright corpses

Many robed corpses of Bright followers can be found strewn across the Mojave Wasteland, such as:

These bodies appear from the beginning of the game, implying that these Bright followers died prior to their "Great Journey." The dead followers tend to be well armed, especially the ones found within the REPCONN test site, who often carry Plasma Defenders, a very rare weapon elsewhere.

Interactions with the player character

The Bright Brotherhood appear during the quest Come Fly With Me. Their leader, Jason Bright, believes the Courier to be sent by "The Creator" to stop "demons" and allow them to continue with the "Great Journey."


The Brotherhood's fate is indirectly linked to the fate of Novac at the ending of New Vegas.

  • If their quest was left uncompleted, there is no mention of the Brotherhood. However, feral ghouls from REPCONN that are not reined in by the Brotherhood would end up ravaging a Novac after being attacked by the Legion.
  • If the Courier helped them embark on their pilgrimage, the Brotherhood would return to assist in Novac defense, and subsequently, independence from the NCR.
  • If the Courier helped them embark on their pilgrimage and assisted in a Legion victory, the Brotherhood would return to help evacuate Novac, saving most of its citizens.
  • If the Courier killed Jason Bright and his followers or sabotaged the rockets and caused them to explode, the Brotherhood would cease to exist.


  • Jason Bright, Chris Haversam, and Harland are the only members that do not wear Bright Brotherhood robes. Harland had mentioned the fact that he did not buy into the religious "mumbo jumbo," explaining him not wearing the robes.
  • After the quest Come Fly With Me, No-bark Noonan will be interviewed on Radio New Vegas about the unexplained rocket launch. Despite being correct about the matter, he's laughed off the air.


The Bright Brotherhood appears in Fallout: New Vegas.

