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Leea Leea 22 January 2016

Legendary Saturday Polls, 28th Edition

Monday I was in asphalt hell. I wish I was kidding here, I really do. I stood on the pavement outside the Walmart Auto Center waiting for three hours for them to get done with an oil change and rotating the tires. Just some fat walruses wadling around in there for two and a half hours before a crack team of young guys showed up for work and finally got things going. Why didn't I just go in, you might say? I had a shopping cart full of (dry goods, thankfully!) groceries that I couldn't leave, and mom was checking up on dad inside the store, so I couldn't just walk around the parking lot near the Auto Center, either. Worse, there were other people there who were complaining about the shoddy timeline, they had been waiting two or three hours as well, waiting for the fat walruses to move a little faster. Finally, (must've been getting up the line that there were angry customers) the manager for the section showed up and everyone (aside from meself, I was outside) gave him an earful about the…

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Leea Leea 15 January 2016

Legendary Saturday Polls, 27th Edition

I was thinking recently about some of the commercials I've seen with celebrities. Granted, you'll always have the ones where you have ladies advertising makeup or beauty products, but then there was two that were better than others. On different sides of the sectrum, however. There was a cool one that aired during a mountain biking tournament held by (a "duh" moment) Red Bull where Arnold Schwarzenegger was walking around with his smart phone and army men were emerging from the phone and walking all over the place. It was for a smart phone game, obviously. Then, there was last year, on that bad side of the commercial spectrum, was one with David Arquette wearing a tux and prending he's having a good time at a "party" and smoking a electric cigarette. I don't know about you, but I would consider that a low point in my career. In big movies and then you're doing adverts for electric cigarettes. I know he's done (or doing) more movies, but still, how low does one have to go for money?

  • 1 Th…

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Peace'n Hugs Peace'n Hugs 11 January 2016

Hide and Seek with Helena Week 85

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Leea Leea 8 January 2016

Legendary Saturday Polls, 26th Edition

I'm sure you've noticed, as I have, that sometimes companies spell things wrong in order to get your attention, such as "Krispy Kremes" and that something, like a drink, is for "kidz" instead of their true spellings of "Crispy Creams" and "kids." Dad has always loved these things and liked to tease me with them by making his own mispellings, but I thought they were cliche and corny. There's also the "off-brand" products. Some, like from Walmart or CVS, aren't that different, but there are some, like from Piggly Wiggly's that are just...strange. And funny, because they are so weird. Like Mr. Pig (Dr. Pepper) and Mountain Yeller (Mountain Dew). What do you think?

  • 1 This Week's Trivia
  • 2 Last Week's Results
  • 3 This Week's Polls
  • 4 That's all, folks!

A "boudoir" is not just a fancy room. Do you know where the word originally came from? It was from the Middle Ages, where the word comes from the French word "bouder" which means "to pout." So, essentially, you went into this room to get over sulking.


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Leea Leea 1 January 2016

Legendary Saturday Polls, 25th Edition

I'd like to make a confession: I am a un-repentant shopper at thirft and close-out stores. I'd challenge anyone to look in my closet and just try to find stuff I've bought at the Good Will. There's a bunch of good stuff, if you know what to look for. I've even gotten a special designer (not like I actually go out to look for designer clothes) coat from a brand called "Three Sisters" that I found out was worth over $300! And I got it for $5! The brand is so exclusive that I couldn't even look at their website if I wasn't on their list of botiques that they send to!

  • 1 This Week's Trivia
  • 2 Last Week's Results
  • 3 This Week's Polls
  • 4 That's all, folks!

Do you know where the the name "Chicago" (i.e., Chicago, Illinois) came from? I'll bet you don't!

Long ago, when there were only Native Americans living in America, the place where Chicago now sits was a very large patch of onions (yes, there are wild onions). The natives named it "Chi Ka 'ko" which means "skunk place," referencing all the onions that (onc…

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Leea Leea 25 December 2015

Legendary Saturday Polls, 24th Edition

Its been quite rainy here the past few days, but hey, I'm not complaining. I love cloudy days, but them damn newscasters are always hoping for a "white Christmas" with snow, just like those damn songs go on about. He he! Now they got a wet Christmas instead! They're gonna get all wet in their party attire, and the gifts they bring to the parties will get soaked! The only thing that's sorta annoying is the humidity: the floor gets sticky and the laundry doesn't dry. What kind of weather do you like?

  • 1 This Week's Trivia
  • 2 Last Week's Results
  • 3 This Week's Polls
  • 4 That's all, folks!

There's been studies that prove that watching fish swim lowers your blood pressure and reduces stress. This is why some hospitals and doctor's offices put in aquariums. There have also been studies that petting your dog or cat has the same effect. I can't help but wonder that if you petted your cat while watchng your fish tank would double the effects?

Have you ever wanted to beat up/kill an annoying character?

  • Third w…

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Skire Skire 22 December 2015

Nukapedian of the Year (2015) - Stage II

Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the second stage of NotY 2015!

In this stage you will be able to vote for your favourite candidate, with the top 3 moving on to form the final 3. Note that this is a change from last year, where the vote produced three two of the top four and the board chose the remaining two. The change is due to there being only 6 qualified nominees this year, as well as time constraints. The board will decide the winner from the top 3 selected by the community.

This poll will be open for one week.


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BrandonFox BrandonFox 19 December 2015

Saturday Polls - 65

At the Fox Polls, every day is voter appreciation day! Come vote for yourself, and get in touch with our Polls! #Every day's great at your Foooox's!#

Disclaimer: The Weekly Saturday Poll is a poll (not a pole!) every Saturday asking the community what they think about the fallout series ranging from skills, guns, music and other paraphernalia. Have a suggestion for the next poll? Tell me on my talk page!

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The word we use for "cocktail" is exactly what we think it sounds like: a cock's tail. (Bird, you dirty minded readers). No one really knows how it got that name, but a story might make it clearer. A long time ago, an English sailor asked a young Mexican boy stirring alcohol in a glass what the name of the liquor was... The boy thought he was asking about the name of the stirring stick so he answered, "cola de gallo"; a cock's tail feather. So was the name supposedly born. But with history and the past, whose to know what really ha…

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Leea Leea 18 December 2015

Legendary Saturday Polls, 23rd Edition

You know, I used to think that classical music was only for music professors or some such. When I got a free CD of Mozart in the mail three or so years ago (from some music club) and listened to it, I was hooked! Then I went through some stuff I had gotten from an old neighbor and found a Beethoven CD and was soon hooked on that, too. Three years later I have a collection that is currently 30+ hours and some CDs that I haven't even listed to yet! I can't get enough!

  • 1 This Week's Trivia
  • 2 Last Week's Results
  • 3 This Week's Polls
  • 4 That's all, folks!

James Cagney is often credited with saying "You dirty rat!", but did you know that he never actually said it? Instead, it is likely that his impersonators coined the phrase (which seemed like something one of his characters would have said), and thus it was imortalized that Cagney said it...even though he didn't.

What was the worst present you ever got? (open poll)

  • There was everything, from T-shirts (if it had something raunchy or dumb, I'd hate it, …

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Skire Skire 11 December 2015

Nukapedian of the Year (2015)

Hello, hello! Welcome to Nukapedian of the Year!

As the holiday season begins, we will have our annual contest to show appreciation for those users who have had a great influence on the wiki. As many of you may remember from previous years, the Nukapedian of the Year is to be the user who has had the greatest positive influence on the wiki in the year 2015. The very idea of "positive influence" is open to interpretation, so its definition may vary between each user.

Here we have the first stage of the contest: nominations.

To nominate someone, post his/her username in a comment indicating a nomination, along with an optional reason, e.g.:

“I nominate __________, (optional:) for ___________.”

In order for your nomination to be approved, it must be seconded by a registered user in the community who has made at least one prior edit. To second a nomination, simply post a reply comment indicating so. Furthermore, anyone nominated must also accept the nomination by commenting and indicating so. If …

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