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Fallout Wiki


The 10mm SMG is a small gun in Fallout 3.


The 10mm SMG is most effective at close-range by unleashing a hail of bullets. However, the SMG is next to useless at longer ranges unless assisted by the perk Concentrated Fire. The SMG simply has too much spread to be of much use beyond close-range combat. Another downfall of the SMG is its ammunition consumption; if ammunition is not properly managed, the SMG can eat through 10mm rounds at alarming speeds. With full automatic fire and a 30-round magazine, the SMG is a decent emergency sidearm when enemies start to get too close.

The 10mm SMG can fire 1186 rounds, or about 40 magazines, before breaking.


  • Sydney's 10mm "Ultra" SMG - Relic hunter Sydney's weapon of choice, the Ultra SMG holds an astounding 50 10mm rounds in a single magazine, and deals more damage than the standard SMG.
  • Sim version (Operation: Anchorage add-on) - A sim-only version of the weapon which differs only in health, with a whopping 999,250 hit points, essentially preventing the gun from ever degrading. The weapon is not accessible outside of the simulation without the use of the Gary 23 exploit or console commands.
  • 10mm Alloy Steel Submachinegun (Operation: Anchorage add-on) - Another version of the weapon was cut from the DLC. Called the 10mm Alloy Steel Submachinegun, it is otherwise identical to the standard 10mm SMG.


Weapon Type Dmg/Shot DPS ATT/sec Proj # Spread Crit % Mult Crit Dmg Shots in VATS Mag WG AP Cost DMG/AP Durability Value
10mm SMG SMG 7 70 10 1 1.5 x0.1 7 4 30 5 20 1.4 1186 shots 330
Sydney's 10mm "Ultra" SMG SMG 9 90 10 1 1.5 x0.1 9 4 50 5 20 1.8 923 shots 430


